My sense of shame, if it even exists, is smaller than my dog.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Do not do these things!!

Hey readers!
You all know I love a good trend. Trends are what keep things from staying exactly the same all the time. Pretty much, at this point, we've figured out what we need to eat to stay healthy, which kind of clothes look best on us, and what kind of topics we're interested in. We'd never change it up if it weren't for crushing societal pressure to fit in!

That being said, there are occasionally trends that I am opposed to. Today I will share my latest top three with you, along with solutions to the real problem in book form:

3. Energy Drinks
There's no reason why you need to consume these. Just sleep more. Also, the way these are marketed is so annoying to me.
Fix this:

2. Trapper Hats
These full hats have recently become fashionable for women to wear. First of all, gross. Do you have any idea how long I spend making my hair look perfect every morning?! These hats ruin your hair and rob you of your personality. The only excuse I can think of for wearing something like this is if your hair looks horrible. Learn how to do your hair!

1. Placenta encapsulation
As one critic put it, "auto-cannibalism has never been so cool!" Basically, you pay people to take your placenta and put it into pills so that you can eat it. is a site that is trying to sell you this service, and even they admit, "current research on human placentophagy does not exist". So, they have no scientific edvidence to say if/why it even works. All they say is that women who do this have more energy and fewer emotional issues. You know what also works for this? Shoes. Buy a pair of shoes, don't pay to eat parts of your own body.
Learn about alternative health practices:

That's all for today! What are some trends that annoy you?


  1. I love trapper hats. Keeps a person warm in prairie winter climate. Maybe don't do your hair or just shave your head then you don't have to worry about how your hair looks.

  2. Nashville, you kill me! I love what you are doing, please don't stop! PS - helper monkey's are the new purse dog

  3. I love that you provide book replacements for each of these. I sometimes feel myself about to follow suit to these trends but you have intervened just in time! Now, instead of leaving the house to grab a Monster energy drink, I can simply order the Insomnia workbook offline. I dig any solution that allows me to stay in the comfort of my home.
    Thank you Nash.
