My sense of shame, if it even exists, is smaller than my dog.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Trend Alert!

Ugh, so, my library has gone all out with no-smoking signs for our building. They spent so much budget money and we got the signs in the mail put it realistically, they are the ugliest, most boring signs that have ever existed in the entire universe.

Today during my break I made some waaay better ones. I showed them to my supervisor and she started talking about the weather and some stuff about how she thinks she's starting a cold, then told me about her cat's weird snoring problems. Tomorrow I'll tell her about kitty sleep apnea masks, if she's nice.

My poster idea is that everyone who looks fabulous smoking would look so much more fabulous with a book in their face instead. Check it out!!

These will totally be sweeping the nation in like, three years when everyone realizes how much of a genius trendsetter I am.

1 comment:

  1. People don't realize how important marketing is in today's day in age. I'm not going to listen to a big red strike through a cigarette - in fact those big red symbols just make me want to do what it's tell me not to do MORE. I don't even smoke but every time I see a standard no smoking sign I find a menthol cigarette hanging out the corner of my mouth.

    Your celebrity signs are marketable and let me know what's cool - I approve. You won't find me smoking in your vicinity.
