My sense of shame, if it even exists, is smaller than my dog.

Monday 14 November 2011

Today in Library Gossip: Pet Peeves

Hi there devoted readers!

Can I just say something? It is getting pretty frigid outside. That's why I was so shocked to see a girl walk in today with denim bootie shorts, a turtleneck, and red high heels. First of all, girl, those shorts are shorter than my four-year-old nephew Keith's attention span - these are both unacceptable problems in most kinds of buildings.

Second of all, how are you not frozen? You're showing a lack of self-respect in more than one way. I know you've got gym clothes in that workout bag of yours, please layer up!

Lastly, I could maybe understand this bold look if it was in the name of some trend. But, just let me say that no one on the runway is wearing this look! The last person I saw wearing shorts like this was in a 70's television show about cars and also about a girl with low self-esteem.

My recommendations:

1. To young girls: No offense, but Daisy Duke should not be looked up to as a fashion icon. I'm going to suggest you follow the example of 90's TV darling Blossom, whose look is totally making a comeback!*

2. To my sister Vanessa and her son Keith**: Ritalin.

* Never seen the show? I happen to know a library that has the full series in its entirety. Just sayin'! ;)

** Totally not their real names, I'm not a monster ;)

That's my rant for the day. What are some of your pet peeves, or favourite episodes of Blossom?

XOXO, Nashville

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